Happy hour

People who know me must know I am addicted to food for 100%
and food is one of the factors that can make me happy
not only the fun from cooking by myself,
but also definitely tasting every different cuisine with friends

對阿 我就是愛吃
就算變胖 再減肥就好
人家說 "能吃就是福" 耶 哈哈

so as you can see, most of my photos related to FOOD!!!!!
here I would like to recommend two nice spots I've been to recently,
maybe you guys can pay a visit the other day :)

Spot 1 HESTIA TAPAS BAR 西班牙小酒館
where: 台北市松山區民生東路3段130巷18弄3號
call: 02-2715-3707
@ a corner

famous drink-Sangria
the soup
great one~~paella!!

Spot 2 N.Y Pizza Kitchen
Be sure to check out the Pizza there, it's fantastic!!!
kiwi juice for the brunch

my brunch set
sunny and connie
@ the front door
so stay tuned for the next shot!



leave your comments!
